EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain 2:4 (pen.), 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
Q:‘Cristiano Ronaldo demanded the last penalty,’ Nani said. -.-
I doubt that Nani said that.
There is no video or seríous source for that.
There is no video or seríous source for that.
And after the ridiculous “Cristiano missed the plane” hoax, I am even more suspicious about news and quotes.
Absurd! What has Cristiano done to deserve all this shit ??? This episode sheds a light on today’s “journalism”
I don’t know if I should laugh or be disgusted.
A blog invented the “news” that Cristiano missed the plane that would bring home the Portuguese national team from Ukraine. Reason: He bought a cake at the airport and was too late at the check-in.
Dear readers: Would you believe such a ridiculous story?
If you believe it or not, the Spanish news agency EFE distributed this clear hoax as news.
And now see here what happened.
Media from all over the world (many serious ones, too) spread the news that Portugal captain Cristiano had to fly home alone and that he forgot about his team over a cake.
Face-palm!!! Face-palm!!! Face-palm!!!!
If you believe it or not, the Spanish news agency EFE distributed this clear hoax as news.
And now see here what happened.
Media from all over the world (many serious ones, too) spread the news that Portugal captain Cristiano had to fly home alone and that he forgot about his team over a cake.
Face-palm!!! Face-palm!!! Face-palm!!!!
Just a little selection:
Click here and you can open the millions of links to media from all over the world that published this (sorry for the word) bullshit!
The “journalists” should be embarrassed to buy such news without making a reality check.
If they would think just a little: If Cristiano missed the plane, how could he have arrived in Lisbon with the whole team? The team - including Cristiano - was welcomed by many Portuguese fans at the airport and later received by Portugal’s president. There are plenty of pictures.
If they would think just a little: If Cristiano missed the plane, how could he have arrived in Lisbon with the whole team? The team - including Cristiano - was welcomed by many Portuguese fans at the airport and later received by Portugal’s president. There are plenty of pictures.
Seems like publishing something negative about Cristiano is always worth a headline. Even if it’s a clear lie or hoax.
Q:Andrea here's a hug for you. <3. I was so rooting for Germany. No Portugal or Germany= Dull Final.
Thank you so much.
Well, I think that will be quite an interesting final.
I hope that Italy will play as good as yesterday and defeat Spain.
Because I don’t want to see Spain win with this boring playing style.
I hope that Italy will play as good as yesterday and defeat Spain.
Because I don’t want to see Spain win with this boring playing style.
Italy can take revenge for Portugal and Germany can say they lost to the champions.
Let’s see.
Q:Do you know why Cristiano was fifth in taking penalties? He's usually first.
It was the coach’s idea.
Paulo Bento asked Cristiano to do so and he agreed.
Paulo Bento asked Cristiano to do so and he agreed.
Sad enough that in the media this is interpreted either as:
“Cristiano the coward” or “Cristiano wanting the glory as the one who shoots Portugal into the final”
“Cristiano the coward” or “Cristiano wanting the glory as the one who shoots Portugal into the final”
Oh well …
Q:I am still devastated about Portugal's loss. and as for me, they won against every team this time, and seriously, they deserved to land in the final game against Spain. I want them to kick some Spanish asses. as revenge, but impossible now.
I’m still sad, too.
Portugal really deserved the final. As Cristiano said: “injustice” and “Penalties are a lottery.”
Portugal really deserved the final. As Cristiano said: “injustice” and “Penalties are a lottery.”
As much as I love my Madridistas in the Spanish NT: Please Italy set an end to the annoying booooooooooring tiki-takanaccio and win the EURO.
Q:do you have any great edited fan video of CrisKa? :)
Unfortunately not.
Back in Lisbon, 27.06.2012
Saying good-bye to Opalenica.
Cristiano Ronaldo vs Spain
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain 2:4 (pen.), 27.06.2012
(by Andreee7Comps)
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain 2:4 (pen.), 27.06.2012
(by Andreee7Comps)
Why all this hate and malice on Cristiano Ronaldo?
Reblogging myself for a reason:
The media reaction to Cristiano Ronaldo is like a roller-coaster, it’s just ridiculous:
- After the first 2 matches of the EURO, he was bashed as useless non-performer. He didn’t play at his best, yes, but for sure he wasn’t as bad as the media described his performance.
- After the 2 great matches that lead Portugal to the semi-final, suddenly Cristiano was the world-best and hailed in all possible superlatives.
- Now, after the semi-final defeat, Cristiano is the culprit again.
They say he is a coward because he didn’t take the first penalty.
They say it was his decision to take the 5th penalty because he wanted to be the big star, scoring the winning penalty. But how could he be a coward then?
Dear “journalists”: You can’t even decide whether Cristiano is a coward or a show-off. - They say, Cristiano blames Bento that he decided to let him shoot the 5th penalty. What? Cristiano only said that Bento asked him if he would agree to take the 5th and he said yes. He didn’t blame anyone for anything.
I can’t even describe my disgust.
All these biased, malicious comments about Cristiano Ronaldo sadden me to a point that I myself feel hurt.
So how will Cristiano feel? Just imagine.
All the pressure, the endless Messi comparisons, the insults, the sheer hate and malevolence.
What did Cristiano do to all these people to deserve such treatment?
So how will Cristiano feel? Just imagine.
All the pressure, the endless Messi comparisons, the insults, the sheer hate and malevolence.
What did Cristiano do to all these people to deserve such treatment?
ARROGANT they say
Is it really arrogant when a top athlete says he wants to be the best?
Is it arrogant to be good-looking by nature and underline that with clothes and haircuts?
Is it arrogant to have a special free-kick ritual that helps to concentrate and focus? Just remember Nadal’s many rituals.
Is it arrogant to speak his mind and stick to his believes and opinions?
SPOILT they say
Cristiano achieved everything he is and has by his own dedication, effort and hard work.
He was born into a humble family, you could even call them poor.
At the age of 11 he had to leave his beloved parents and 3 siblings and his home island Madeira for the far-away capital.
For a long time he cried every day at the Sporting Lisbon Academy. Yes, he had the chance there to realise his biggest dream to become a professional footballer.
But that meant paying a high prize: separation from his beloved family, loneliness. Cristiano endured it all, focused only on football and his will to succeed.
EGOISTIC they say
Strange that many of his current and former team-mates always point out what a nice, down-to-earth and helpful person Cristiano is.
What a good friend and mate he is.
You could say: His Real Madrid or Portugal NT team-mates don’t want to talk bad about him because they have to work with him every day.
But there is no need for his former colleagues or managers to do so, they could now reveal what an idiot he is. Instead, they only talk in the most positive way about Cristiano.
In the beginning of his career this might have been partly true. Sometimes he just wanted to shine and impress with his skills.
But already Sir Alex and Mourinho even more, helped him to develop into a true team-player.
And Cristiano himself said that he always tries to improve, on personal and professional level. Which includes team-play.
Just have a look at his assists statistics.
Nowadays he uses his tricks when they help to succeed and not only to impress. So it should be allowed that once in a while he does a fancy move just for pleasure, his and ours.
Cristiano also gives more passes and sometimes even helps in the defence.
Sadly, the media still sell the picture of a selfish individualist.
PLAYBOY they say
Of course Cristiano had his share of affairs and relationships. Normal for a young man! Nothing wrong with that.
But he once jokingly said: If I really had slept with all the women the media mention, I wouldn’t have had time for my football career
In fact, he is above all a family man.
When he earned his first money at Sporting Lisbon, the first thing he did was buying his family a house and make sure that his mother never ever had to work again. She worked as a cook and his father as a kit-man for the local football club. The family never had enough money to afford a big enough house for 2 parents and 4 children.
Cristiano’s father suffered from alcoholism and his son tried everything to get him away from this terrible disease. He payed for the best therapies but it was already too late. When Cristiano was 19, his beloved papá died.
But Cristiano managed to save his brother Hugo from his drug addiction. Here the therapies Cristano organised and payed for his older brother helped.
Cristiano always said, family comes first. Today that includes his son and his girlfriend Irina.
GAY they say
.. using it as an insult.
Well, even if Cristiano was gay, what would be the problem?
CRY BABY they say
What’s wrong with having feelings and showing them?
Cristiano is emotional, hot-blooded and has a great sense of humour.
When he is happy he smiles and laughs.
When he is upset he pouts or has a temper.
When he is sad or disappointed he cries.
Just acting like a human being.
Always very expressive, which some people dislike. I love him for that.
OVERRATED they say
Just have a look at his breath-taking career statistics and shut up!
Cristiano is, but what’s wrong with that?
His unique style of playing is spectacular and a pleasure to watch. A true artist.
When he scores such an incredible amount of goals like that, everything is fine.
DIVER they say
Well, when he was younger, he quite often took a dive on the pitch. But not anymore.
So stop accusing him of things from the past.
VAIN they say
Cristiano often pleases and sometimes amuses us with his fashion sense and ever-changing hair styles.
Why not? He doesn’t harm anybody with that.
And a handsome man is always an eye catcher.
I assume male jealousy here.
STUPID they say
In the many long interviews I saw, he appeared thoughtful, intelligent and witty.
He is smart enough to have adapted quickly to the new challenges in Lisbon, Manchester and Madrid.
Besides his native language Portuguese he speaks fluently English and Spanish and a bit of French.
That the media draw such a distorted picture of Cristiano is their strategy to make profit. The good boy vs. bad boy always sells. Now it’s good Messi vs. bad Cristiano. In former times it was e.g. good Sampras vs. bad Agassi.
I can only pray that the people who know and love Cristiano can give him the strength to deal with all that. Sometimes I am worried he could break down.
Is it arrogant to be good-looking by nature and underline that with clothes and haircuts?
Is it arrogant to have a special free-kick ritual that helps to concentrate and focus? Just remember Nadal’s many rituals.
Is it arrogant to speak his mind and stick to his believes and opinions?
SPOILT they say
Cristiano achieved everything he is and has by his own dedication, effort and hard work.
He was born into a humble family, you could even call them poor.
At the age of 11 he had to leave his beloved parents and 3 siblings and his home island Madeira for the far-away capital.
For a long time he cried every day at the Sporting Lisbon Academy. Yes, he had the chance there to realise his biggest dream to become a professional footballer.
But that meant paying a high prize: separation from his beloved family, loneliness. Cristiano endured it all, focused only on football and his will to succeed.
EGOISTIC they say
Strange that many of his current and former team-mates always point out what a nice, down-to-earth and helpful person Cristiano is.
What a good friend and mate he is.
You could say: His Real Madrid or Portugal NT team-mates don’t want to talk bad about him because they have to work with him every day.
But there is no need for his former colleagues or managers to do so, they could now reveal what an idiot he is. Instead, they only talk in the most positive way about Cristiano.
In the beginning of his career this might have been partly true. Sometimes he just wanted to shine and impress with his skills.
But already Sir Alex and Mourinho even more, helped him to develop into a true team-player.
And Cristiano himself said that he always tries to improve, on personal and professional level. Which includes team-play.
Just have a look at his assists statistics.
Nowadays he uses his tricks when they help to succeed and not only to impress. So it should be allowed that once in a while he does a fancy move just for pleasure, his and ours.
Cristiano also gives more passes and sometimes even helps in the defence.
Sadly, the media still sell the picture of a selfish individualist.
PLAYBOY they say
Of course Cristiano had his share of affairs and relationships. Normal for a young man! Nothing wrong with that.
But he once jokingly said: If I really had slept with all the women the media mention, I wouldn’t have had time for my football career
In fact, he is above all a family man.
When he earned his first money at Sporting Lisbon, the first thing he did was buying his family a house and make sure that his mother never ever had to work again. She worked as a cook and his father as a kit-man for the local football club. The family never had enough money to afford a big enough house for 2 parents and 4 children.
Cristiano’s father suffered from alcoholism and his son tried everything to get him away from this terrible disease. He payed for the best therapies but it was already too late. When Cristiano was 19, his beloved papá died.
But Cristiano managed to save his brother Hugo from his drug addiction. Here the therapies Cristano organised and payed for his older brother helped.
Cristiano always said, family comes first. Today that includes his son and his girlfriend Irina.
GAY they say
.. using it as an insult.
Well, even if Cristiano was gay, what would be the problem?
CRY BABY they say
What’s wrong with having feelings and showing them?
Cristiano is emotional, hot-blooded and has a great sense of humour.
When he is happy he smiles and laughs.
When he is upset he pouts or has a temper.
When he is sad or disappointed he cries.
Just acting like a human being.
Always very expressive, which some people dislike. I love him for that.
OVERRATED they say
Just have a look at his breath-taking career statistics and shut up!
Cristiano is, but what’s wrong with that?
His unique style of playing is spectacular and a pleasure to watch. A true artist.
When he scores such an incredible amount of goals like that, everything is fine.
DIVER they say
Well, when he was younger, he quite often took a dive on the pitch. But not anymore.
So stop accusing him of things from the past.
VAIN they say
Cristiano often pleases and sometimes amuses us with his fashion sense and ever-changing hair styles.
Why not? He doesn’t harm anybody with that.
And a handsome man is always an eye catcher.
I assume male jealousy here.
STUPID they say
In the many long interviews I saw, he appeared thoughtful, intelligent and witty.
He is smart enough to have adapted quickly to the new challenges in Lisbon, Manchester and Madrid.
Besides his native language Portuguese he speaks fluently English and Spanish and a bit of French.
That the media draw such a distorted picture of Cristiano is their strategy to make profit. The good boy vs. bad boy always sells. Now it’s good Messi vs. bad Cristiano. In former times it was e.g. good Sampras vs. bad Agassi.
I can only pray that the people who know and love Cristiano can give him the strength to deal with all that. Sometimes I am worried he could break down.
Mobbing and harassing nowadays seem to be some kind of fun sport.
In Cristiano’s case every little move he makes, every word he speaks is being scrutinised mercilessly, always with the intention to find something negative.
Systematic bullying in its ultimate form.
It saddens me deeply that so many people buy this media image as the real Cristiano, even Madridistas do.
In Cristiano’s case every little move he makes, every word he speaks is being scrutinised mercilessly, always with the intention to find something negative.
Systematic bullying in its ultimate form.
It saddens me deeply that so many people buy this media image as the real Cristiano, even Madridistas do.
We don’t know Cristiano personally but what I saw in long interviews or what people who know him say about him, show a normal person.
Friendly, emotional, honest, charming, with a good sense of humour. And with flaws, like all of us. He says his main flaw is stubbornness. Only human, isn’t it?
We all are only human and nobody is perfect. Neither Cristiano nor the “fans” and media people who demand perfection of Cristiano and critisice him for the slightest details, even invent things.
Article 1, paragraph 1 of our German constitution reads:
“Human dignity shall be inviolable.”
This must apply to each and every human being on this planet.
Including Cristiano Ronaldo!
Friendly, emotional, honest, charming, with a good sense of humour. And with flaws, like all of us. He says his main flaw is stubbornness. Only human, isn’t it?
We all are only human and nobody is perfect. Neither Cristiano nor the “fans” and media people who demand perfection of Cristiano and critisice him for the slightest details, even invent things.
Article 1, paragraph 1 of our German constitution reads:
“Human dignity shall be inviolable.”
This must apply to each and every human being on this planet.
Including Cristiano Ronaldo!
VIDEO post-match interview with Cristiano: "Thank you Portugal"
Translation from
“My feeling is sadness. Clearly to lose a semi-final on penalties is always hurtful but penalties are a lottery and the one with most luck is the one who wins.
I think it was a very successful European Championship [for Portugal]. We did well, we were among the best four teams at the tournament and we didn’t win because we didn’t have luck but penalties are like that. We have to be proud, but the truth is that we are a bit frustrated because we knew that we could reach the final.
I did my best as I always do, so I’m satisfied with what I have done for the team. We have to be proud because we did what we had to do. We played well and we deserved to be in the final.”
Q:it's so unfair, i just want to hug em all and tell them how proud i am of them.. what pisses me off about spain nt is the barcelona players. they claim they're not spanish but catalan, yet they go out there and play for spain and when spain wins for ex world cup/euro, they show their catalunya flag.. so disrespectful and why are they also playing like barcelona? you could hear the crowd whistling at them the whole game. tbh, they've been so lucky and are just a shade of their '08/'10 selves
Let’s see what happens in the final.
As much as I love our Madridistas in the Spanish NT, I don’t want this tiki-taka-naccio to win the Cup. I’m not going as far as calling it “anti-football”, but it is close to that.
As much as I love our Madridistas in the Spanish NT, I don’t want this tiki-taka-naccio to win the Cup. I’m not going as far as calling it “anti-football”, but it is close to that.
I’m German, so maybe in a final Germany-Spain, a win for my country is possible.
But first of all, Germany will have to win vs. Italy. Which will be difficult, as Italy impressed me very much in this tournament.
But first of all, Germany will have to win vs. Italy. Which will be difficult, as Italy impressed me very much in this tournament.
Q:I am so sad that Portugal lost yesterday. Cristiano is still the best in the world. Now can't wait to see some photos of him on holiday :))
I hope Cristiano will find a nice place for his holiday where he can spend some well-deserved rest with his loved ones.
As much as I’d like to see pictures, I hope there will be no paparazzi harassing him. I won’t post paparazzi photos.
As much as I’d like to see pictures, I hope there will be no paparazzi harassing him. I won’t post paparazzi photos.
Page 2
is that really his account ????
Yes! Check here on his Whosay.
Click “SOCIAL” There you can find the links to all of his social networks.
Click “SOCIAL” There you can find the links to all of his social networks.
The concentration on his beautiful face!
I don’t understand why Cristiano is criticised for his free-kick ritual.
They call it showy, arrogant, vain …
In fact it is a form of deep concentration, a short meditation before exploding into action.And I find it very sexy, too :o)
Most of the athletes have special rituals - just think of the many manias of dear Rafa Nadal. But once again only Cristiano is being criticised …
They call it showy, arrogant, vain …
In fact it is a form of deep concentration, a short meditation before exploding into action.
Most of the athletes have special rituals - just think of the many manias of dear Rafa Nadal. But once again only Cristiano is being criticised …
(via realcristianoholic)
Cristiano in his social networks: "Thank you Portugal"
Obrigado Portugal
Cristiano shares these pics:
Cristiano praying during the penalty shoot-out.
Heart-breakingly beautiful.
Heart-breakingly beautiful.
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain 2:4 (pen.), 27.06.2012(via Photo from Getty Images)
This picture tells it all:
The uniform stained from the hard match
The body language: dejected but standing tall
The uniform stained from the hard match
The body language: dejected but standing tall
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain 2:4 (pen.), 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
Q:I am Madridista and support Spain but my heart goes out to the Portugal team. Penalties? Ugh! horrible way to decide a game! Portugal played their hearts out fought well. Ronaldo should be very proud of himself and his teammates, I was glad he got a consoling hug from Ramos at the end.
100% agree!
Q:I just want to say a huge THANK YOU for your lovely blog. You have made the pain of Portugal losing a little better.
Thank you so much. It makes me feel better to know that.
Now, with a bit of time distance, the disappointment and pain turns into pride. As I said before, I’m sad but proud.
Portugal played a great EURO, with dedication and passion and all the players can come home with their heads held high.
Força Portugal!
Beautiful. Look at the stains on his uniform - Portugal played their heart out.
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
(via Photo from AP Photo)
(via Photo from AP Photo)
Q:did you notice too that coentrao was crying? :( It makes me want to cry too!!!!
Yes. I felt with him. Fabio gave his all, just like all Portuguese players.
And Cristiano tried everything not to cry. All cameras on his face, of course …
And Cristiano tried everything not to cry. All cameras on his face, of course …
Q:Match for 3rd place?
No, there is no match for 3rd place.
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain 2:4 (pen.), 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
After the big fight. Friend will be friends.
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 2:4 (penalties), 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
after this game did you think CR will get the gold ball?
If there is justice, yes.
Because he played an outstanding season with Real Madrid and lead his national team until the semi-final. Nobody expected that. And today Cristiano, like the whole team, played well and gave his all. Only bad luck at the penalty shoot-out.
Because he played an outstanding season with Real Madrid and lead his national team until the semi-final. Nobody expected that. And today Cristiano, like the whole team, played well and gave his all. Only bad luck at the penalty shoot-out.
Page 3
Obrigada de coração !!!
I’m dead, sad, crying, devasted… but thank you Portugal NT. You fought to the end. I will never judge you or be ashamed of you. I love you all guys, forever :3
Q:Ok I started crying when Spain scored the last one ... I can't believe that. Portugal was better from the start and spain did almost nothing :( I bet the newspapers are all gonna be over Ronaldo cause he missed his chance -.-
I’m sad but proud.
Because the whole Portuguese team fought like lions.
And a penalty shoot-out is a lottery.
Because the whole Portuguese team fought like lions.
And a penalty shoot-out is a lottery.
Força Portugal!
Such an injustice!
Noooooooooooooooooo!!! Penalty shoot-out! I can’t take it anymore.
Muito obrigada, Meireles!!! Great fight! Vamos Varela!
Please Portugal score!!! You deserve! And I won’t survive a penalty shoot-out …
You all stay away!
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
(via Photo from AP Photo)
(via Photo from AP Photo)
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
Intense match! Portugal deserve the win. Killed the “almighty” tiki-taka. Força Portugal!
Boom! But no goal - yet.
Força Portugal!
Força Portugal!
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
When Cristiano smiles during a game, it’s a good sign that he is focused, but not tense.
Força Portugal!
Força Portugal!
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
The concentration on his face!
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
Jumping onto the pitch.
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
Page 4
I like it that the Ukranian fans in the stadium are fed up with the lame Spanish tiki-taka. Força Portugal!
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
(via Photo from AP Photo)
(via Photo from AP Photo)
O capitans my captains
In their own world.
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
EURO 2012 - semi-final Portugal vs. Spain, 27.06.2012
Cristiano & Iker hugging in the tunnel - the entrance hymn … ForçaPortugal!
Hopefully Portugal will play as passionate tonight and destroy the boring tiki-taka-naccio of Spain.
My commentator said: “Cristiano is as sharp as a razor blade.”
My commentator said: “Cristiano is as sharp as a razor blade.”
Portugal vs. Spain 4:0, friendly match 18.11.2010
(by Matiou42)
(by Matiou42)
(via boom-kaka-laka)
“Only the last puzzle piece is missing”
All focus on Cristiano!
Cristiano Ronaldo did not utter a word in public about Portugal versus Spain on Tuesday, but he was mentioned in virtually every utterance about Wednesday’s Euro 2012 semi-final in Donetsk.
- Sergio Ramos:
“They’re all hard opponents. But Ronaldo is a player who makes the difference at world level.
He has carried Portugal on his shoulders in their last two games and he will be very difficult to stop.” - Del Bosque:
“It’s logical that there is so much talk about Ronaldo.
He is not only a great player, but he plays in Spain, so that’s obviously a factor. We have to deactivate him.”
Ronaldo is very important and very impressive for them, but we will not change our style for an individual opponent. We will play the way we play, just as we always do.” - Alvaro Arbeloa:
“I will probably speak with him when I see him.
If I’m lucky, the coach will put me alongside him. He is very demanding to play against, but I am confident I can do well.
You have to be prepared mentally and physically when you play against someone like Ronaldo. He’s one of the best players there is.
But I like to measure myself against the best in the world and it’s a great challenge for me.” - Paulo Bento:
“If it was 95 per cent until now (Ukranian women cheering for Cristiano), I think Cristiano can win the last five per cent of women if he inspires us to victory.”
(I didn’t know that Bento can be so witty)
“Today there are no brothers”
Ukranian women have good taste, and Bento a good sense of humour :o)
I am Ukrainian. From Donetsk…And today I will be on Donbass Arena AND OF COURSE will be cheering for Ronaldo!)))))))
You lucky girl!
Please cheer double - also for me :o)
Força Portugal!
Please cheer double - also for me :o)
Força Portugal!
Ukranian women have good taste, and Bento a good sense of humour :o)
Paulo Bento received a Ukrainian journalist’s message that 95 per cent of Ukraine’s women will be cheering for Ronaldo.
Bento said:
“If it was 95 per cent until now, I think Cristiano can win the last five per cent of women if he inspires us to victory.”
“If it was 95 per cent until now, I think Cristiano can win the last five per cent of women if he inspires us to victory.”
Cristiano is calm and confident.
Interview with prior to the semi-final vs. Spain
(via portugalnt)
Wall Photos - Cristiano's FB
Em casa, com amigos ou no estádio….amanhã estamos todos juntos. Força #Portugal !!
“At home, together with friends or in the stadium … tomorrow we are all together. Go Portugal!”
Força Portugal! Força Cristiano!
Page 5
United we stand, united we win.
24 hours to go. (I’m starting to get nervous).
24 hours to go. (I’m starting to get nervous).
(via Photo from Getty Images)
No, you don’t have to save the balls, too. It’s enough when you score :o)
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
Taking a creative break.
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from AP Photo)
(via Photo from AP Photo)
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from AP Photo)
(via Photo from AP Photo)
Happy with his football. Adorable.
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
The little tounge again :o)
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from Getty Images)
(via Photo from Getty Images)
What’s so funny? I’d like to know.
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
Football is not only a profession, it’s the beautiful game.
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from AP Photo)
(via Photo from AP Photo)
All focus on the semi-final.
Training in Donetsk, 26.06.2012
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
Piqué about Cristiano:
“It’s always special to play against footballers of this quality. It took a while for him to get going in the first match, but playing against him is always very difficult. He heads well; you can’t give him space.
For this match there are no favourites. France changed their way of playing against us, but I don’t think there’s a favourite.
For this match there are no favourites. France changed their way of playing against us, but I don’t think there’s a favourite.
We were together for two or three years at United. Neither of us spoke much English and we stuck together. We’ve always got on well.”
I found this pic of their Manchester United days on my computer. Oldie but goldie.
Tomorrow! Portugal NT will play their hearts out.
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
Cristiano Ronaldo:
“Three days rest is enough. Some Spanish players have said that it puts them at a disadvantage but, as a professional, I think that it’s not a very significant detail.
We didn’t make a good start in the Euros but, with a bit of sacrifice from everyone, both the team and I have been improving. I knew the goals would come.
I don’t feel any particular pressure playing against Spain. I’ve been playing in matches like this for 10 years, both for my clubs and the national team. It’s a responsibility yes, but not a pressure. I should be used to it.
I don’t feel any particular pressure playing against Spain. I’ve been playing in matches like this for 10 years, both for my clubs and the national team. It’s a responsibility yes, but not a pressure. I should be used to it.
It’s great for Portugal, eight years on, to have the chance of another final. It’s very difficult but we are only one step away from it.
Spain is a great team, it’s our neighbouring country and it’s going to be a very interesting Iberian ‘face-off’. And I hope we can win.
The game will be a tough battle.
Spain is a great team, it’s our neighbouring country and it’s going to be a very interesting Iberian ‘face-off’. And I hope we can win.
The game will be a tough battle.
Hard work is the secret of this Portuguese selection. Not only here but also in the group stage. Now it’s paying off”.
Modern Dance?
EURO 2012 - 1/4 final Portugal vs. Czech Republic 1:0, 21.06.2012
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
You sunshine, you.
Training in Opalencia, 25.06.2012
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A Ferrari called Cristiano.
Training in Opalencia, 25.06.2012
(via Photo from AP Photo)
(via Photo from AP Photo)
Polish folk-dance?
Training in Opalencia, 25.06.2012
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
(via Photo from Reuters Pictures)
Training 25.06.2012
(via Cristiano’s FB Morning training session)